Friday, September 18, 2015

Week 1

My name is Faith Garcia and I am currently a sophomore at Princeton University. I haven't yet settled on a major but I am considering East Asian Studies. I decided to take Japanese at the end of my freshman year after finishing up my first year of studying Korean. I knew that I wanted to start studying a second language and was torn between Chinese and Japanese. Both seemed interesting to me but I decided on Japanese due to the similarities it has to Korean.

I'm excited to learn all I can this year!



  1. It's so cool that you're studying so many languages!! いっしょうにがんばりましょう!:D

  2. 韓国語はおもしろいですか。

  3. I hope you enjoy learning Japanese and Korean together, especially if you do major in East Asian Studies. がんばって!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Cool! Wow, you're interested in Asian studies? I think that's really cool... :)

  6. Nice to meet you, my name is Ami Tsujimoto. I am a 19 year-old girl freshman student, and go to Ritsumeikan Univ. I major in international administration. I do karate, and teach children and their parents it every Monday and Saturday. I belong to volunteer group in my university. On this summer, I went to Cambodia for volunteer for two weeks.
    ( Your Japanese is good! Have you ever been to any countries in Asia?)

    1. Hi :)

      I have not been to Asia yet but I want to go to Japan this summer and then Korea the year after that

  7. Hello, my name is Nanami Ueda. I am a freshman of Ritsumeikan university. i'm studying international business, and I'm really interested in American history and politics. I'm planning to go to study abroad in the near future. I've been to Princeton University 2 years ago, as a high school diplomats program. I miss beautiful buildings of Pronceton. Hope we can have some talks about Princeton:))

    1. Hi :) Where are you planning to study abroad?

  8. Hi, my name is Li. I am a senior at Columbia University. I learned first year Korean, too. It is true that Korean and Japanese have some similarities, but I think it is hard to learn Korean and Japanese at the same time. Sometimes I get confused.By the way, East Asian Studies sounds cool!

    1. Yea I keep finding myself saying 네 when I want to say はい >_>
